I can't say it enough.
We Read the entire Book of Mormon in two days.
Can you believe it?
Incredible, we are, we are.
we started at 8 am on Friday morning and read till 10 that night.
We started again at 7 am on Saturday and finished late that night, I don't even remember when it was but the important part is that we finished.
We had so much support from the ward too.
Soper arranged for people from the ward to come and read certain parts.
Ginell and I made costumes for them all so they could dress up like the prophets they were reading for.
1- Some of my reading buddies, Lexi and Paris.
2- Here's Nephi Reading to us atop the boat he built.
3-You really can't only have one place and one person reading for the whole two days so we moved around a lot, had lots of people reading including listening to the churches recording.
4- Omni came to read to us of his prayer of repentance.
5- We also sprawled out and read to ourselves.
6- Oh how the girls enjoyed having our ward missionaries come over and read the parts of Alma and Amulek.
7- The Bishop came over in his armor and read for Captain Moroni.
8- We got each of the girls a black Book of Mormon and a marking pencil so they could follow along. We also made them drop their cell phones in a basket as they walked in. They got to check them over lunch and dinner and that was it.
9- Moroni, son of Mormom, came and read us the end.
It was so incredible.
One thing that really hit me hard was how all the prophets, like non stop through the book, spoke of their testimony of the Christ.
I mean, I always new that they were waiting for Christ to come and after he did they tried so hard to keep the people living in remembrance of Him, but I concentrated on the story I guess.
The vast majority of the book takes place before Christ comes but they all preached of his come.
Their goal was to bring the people to Christ.
Do I live my life that way?
Do I live my life so that people know that I am a desiple of Him?
It has really made me think.
Well, I have finished the Book of Mormon again and that means I get to share my testimony again.
I don't know how many times I have read it now, I kinda wish I knew.
But in many ways it doesn't matter how many times you have read it, so ling as you discover for yourself that it is true.
And I know that this book is a true book.
I know that the prophets were commanded to right the things that they did.
I know that by living my testimony of the gospel I will find true happiness and live with him some day.
I know that the prophets today speak of Christ just as the prophets of old did because they want to bring true happiness to the children of man.
I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and that he translated the gold plates.
I know that he Saw God the Father and Jesus Christ and commanded him to restore their Gospel.
I know that Christ lived.
I know that He suffered for my sins and the sins of the world so that I and my family could repent and live with Him again.
I know that he rose after the third day and later went to the Americas to show himself to them and preach to them.
I know these things because I have asked my Heavenly Father if these things are true and He sent the Holy Ghost who told it was true.
I know that all who ask, wanting to know Gods will for them will also receive and answer to their prayers also.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.