Friday, October 3, 2014

Lunch Break

We still miss having daddy around during the day from back when he was going to school.
So we decided to go on a field trip up to downtown and have lunch with him.
We still had some money on our gift card to Cheese Cake Factory so that's where we went.
Scotty has been having a hard time lately in the mornings when Mark leaves to go to work and begs him to stay home with him all the time.
So Scott got so excited to ride trax even though you can't really tell by this picture, and have lunch with daddy.
Dean had no idea what was going on but loved hanging with his papa during the day.
I will do anything to go out for food.
And Mark was having a not so great day at work and was so happy we came.

So many happy and silly faces at this table.
We just love our daddy and all the hard work he does for his family.

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