Saturday, December 13, 2014

Happy Birthday Ryan

 See these cute boys?
Oh how I love this sight.
This is Scott's friend from school.
He's not in school anymore since we moved but Ryan here was having a birthday party and hunted us down to make sure Scott was invited to his party.
I was amazed that he would put so much effort into seeing Scott again.
I called to RSVP and Ryan's mom was so thrilled to hear that we were coming.
She said that Scott was his best friend and he's been so sad since he's moved.
This just warmed my heart.
I asked Scott about Ryan and Scott said he's his best friend and then told me everything about him.
Oh boy were we both excited.
We went to pick him out a present, a present suitable for only a best friend.
Then I went to drop him off.
At that point it finally hit me that I was taking Scott to someones house that has no clue of his issues.
I got nervous.
Real nervous.
But then I got there and thought, I'll stay if I need to.
But when we got there Scott went right over to Ryan and said hi.
Then Ryan got so excited to see Scott he hugged him.
And the other little boy from their school ran over and said hi too.
Ryan's mom was so pleased we came.
She treated us like Scott being there was the best gift for her son.
How warm and fuzzy do you think my heart was?

This one kid alone made me rethink moving.
He gives me hope for the future.
And that is the greatest gift I could ask for.

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