Thursday, July 23, 2015

18 Months

Wow, time flies when you're busy.
And let me tell you, these boys are keeping me busy.
Deano is ALWAYS on the move.
He can make my heart flutter with his smile one second then the next make me so angry with his mischief.
He climbs everything.
My mom says I'm getting what I deserve because I was a climber.
I'm now to the point that I let him climb.
He has pretty good balance and if he falls then maybe he'll learn.
But according to Mark he's learning the wrong lessons.
He simply tries to figure out what he did wrong while climbing.
I like that he's trying to figure things out, it's an awesome trait to have when older.
But for now it's kinda driving me crazy.
He really seems to think he's one of the big kids.
He's kinda always fallowed Scott around wondering what he's doing.
But now he thinks he can do whatever Scott does.
He tries to play with Scott and his toys but Scott doesn't like that much.
He learned how to climb on the kitchen chairs and now refuses to eat in his high chair.
He just wants to eat in a big boy chair.
He also wont let me feed him anymore.
He has to feed himself and he likes to try to use utencils too.
I don't remember Scott needing to be this independent. 
He has drive.
He is doing a great job at repeating words and sounds.
He has to walk up and down the stairs, not crawl, but walk.
He still hates getting his bum changed which makes me wonder when he'll be forsing me to potty train him.
I had to force Scott to potty train but I have a feeling that Dean is going to be different.
Dean is a sugar addict.
I know it's my fault.
But he's doing awesome at eating a variety of foods.
He's still a mamma's boy but knows his daddy is a lot of fun too.
He is insanely persistent.
You say no, say he can't do something, that wont stop him from crying.
He will keep going back to whatever he wants and is not easily distracted or persuaded away.
Oh but I love this boy.
He loves to help.
He loves to hear me say, "Thank you, good job."
He get's such a grin and tries to do more good things.
He loves to go swimming.
He loves to jump on the bed, or rather fall onto the bed.
He doesn't like to cuddle anymore but he does love hugs and kisses.
He is still so good about going to bed and taking naps.
He is trying but so adorable.

Height-   32"   37%
Weight-   24lbs 11oz    59%
Head- 19.29"    89%

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Green Thumb

I guess I got it.
Mom's dreams are coming true for me.
I think my grandma is helping me out.
I've lost a few plants along the way, but I'm not thinking about those.
My garden has exploded.
My pumpkin vines are ten feet long and growing.
We also have pumpkins growing.
My squash is trying to take over any and all empty space around the other plants.
And this zuccini grew without me ever seeing it.
Seriously, Mark's the one who pointed it out to me today while I was standing right in front of it looking at something else.
If it was a snake, it would have bit me.
Oh, I love zuccini.
Mark and I have decided to fry it in our new fryer.
Mark is in heaven with that thing.
So it's not the healthiest way to eat them but we are going to have so many of them and hopefully they will all be huge like this one so we'll be fine.
I'm so excited for the fall for the first time ever.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

McEvoy Family Reunion

We went to the first ever McEvoy family reunion.
It was a lot of fun.
We went to Bear Lake which Mark and I love.
The weather wasn't great so we spent a lot of time in the huge house that we rented.
My dad's brothers and sister came along with all the James McEvoy family, except Josh :(
Scott loved his cousin time.
Mark road his motorcycle up and did a lot of fun rides around the lake.
I also got to go with my grandparents and dad up to Idaho to a museum and out to lunch.
It was fun to get to spend some time with just them.
While Mark would go out on his rides we would head out to our favorite, La Beau's.
Love their shakes.
Had a great time at the house by the lake, not so much the lake.
Oh well, we had great company.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


So it was "eat more chicken" day at Chick-Fil-A.
So if you dress up like a cow you get a free meal.
Melissa always does it but this was our first year.
Scott totally loved it.
I loved that with some black paper and white shirts I got free food.
Mark called us nerds but he sure enjoyed the food.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Bryce Canyon Half Marathon

Here we are, we did it!
Over Easter April caught me at a weak moment and somehow I agreed to do a half marathon.
I really did want to do a half marathon but I never thought it was possible.
But my sweet Lexi Soper did one and I saw her training and working hard for her goal and that inspired me.
I wanted to set a goal and see it through.
I haven't really been good at long term goals.
If I started at Easter I would have enough time to get myself where I needed to be.
I am really amazed that I followed through.
Every week I would do something I never had before.
But I would get very discouraged during training too.
I was constantly wondering why I signed up.
Constantly wish I could quit.
Constantly wishing I would finally break a bone to get out of it.
Constantly needing people to help encourage me.
Which my sister Katie and my friend Kelsie were always ready to help.
I totally felt the mind game not just during the training runs but throughout the whole week.
I am amazed that I was able to do this.
I did not love training for it.
But at the same time, I did something that I really didn't know I was capable of.
That's what I wanted.
I wanted to expand myself past my limits.
I wanted to push myself.
And I did just that.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Independence Day

We had a fun Fourth of July.
We went to my parents house for dinner and played fun outdoor games.
Then we went to the Alpine park for fireworks.
So I guess everybody in Alpine goes there.
Including those who buy fireworks.
Seriously if you want an AMAZING and free fireworks show go there.
There are at least 5 different people setting them off at any given time.
And we're not talking about the little ground spinners or the loud annoying ones although there are plenty of those too.
I'm talking about the cool sky ones.
I was stunned but everything going off.
We were way too close to the action because I got ash in my eye while looking up at it and we had a spinner go right over our blankets that was pretty freaky.
It's a big park and there are plenty of safe places to observe.
We stayed for about an hour after dark before that spinner went off and we decided to leave.
But we decided to go home over Suncrest and we could see them still going off from there.
It will definitely not be the last time we go there.
So grateful for all our freedoms
God bless the USA. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Just Cause

This kid makes me happy everyday.
I can't get enough of him and his smile.
Anytime he lets me cuddle with him I can't help but smile too.
Love you Bubba Dean.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


I have been BFF with Melissa for 5 years now but I just found out that we are both puzzle people.
We were able to get together for her birthday this year.
The big 30.
I think she found it to be less then exciting.
I tried in my own small way to help by bringing her some Texas Road House ribs and rolls and a doughnut cake and a new puzzle.
Sometimes a night in with comforts is all you need.
So we stayed up late, watched chick flicks and did a puzzle.
We are pretty dang good at them too.

Melissa, sorry I'm not a better party thrower.
I love just hanging out with you.
You can make me giggle like I'm 8 again.
You are often the only one I can talk to.
You never judge anyone unfairly.
You are truly the kindest person I know.
Thank you for excepting me.
Happy Birthday!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Picnic in March?

 Seriously, how is it warm enough to have awesome picnics in March?
I love how warm it has been.
I love early springs.
I love having our own private back yard.
I love having it fenced (Dean needs fences).
I love hanging out with these crazies all day.
Now I think I'll lay down and take a nap with the sun keeping me warm.
Oh wait I can't cause I have a Bubba that crawls all over me the second I lay down.
Oh well, we shall still lay down and bask in the warm March sun.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Lunch Date

Sometimes we just miss our dad during the day.
And being this close to his job now means it's super easy come stop by.
Plus we love their Dinosaur park at City Creek.
Love you Daddy.
Thanks for working so hard.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Crazy Soper

Last night or this morning, however you want to look at it, I went with Tami and Kylee up to Antelope Island so support our Crazy Soper.
She was running the 100 miler and she was bond and determined to finish this year.
But we were worried about her from the updates we had been getting.
Chad was saying that she had been throwing up since mile 23 and can't keep anything down.
Well it was the night time stretch so we drove up there to give whatever love we could.
The Whipples are always up for a crazy adventure and I was excited for whatever they were up to.
We got there at 10 and found the gates closed.
But we new there had to be a way to get in since the race was going on.
We waited, and waited till a friend of a ranger came and had sympathy on us and let us in.
Talk about good luck.
We got to the tent around 10:45ish and found out that Soper had been through the tent a half hour earlier and was going out and around the whole island.
She was on her longest stretch and we were left to wait in a cold tent.
So we waited.
And waited.
And waited.
It was fun hanging out and joking around, getting caught up on all the news from the old ward.
Come 2:30 she made her way back through the tent and we gave her our cheer.
She was staying strong and grabbed some noodles and left.
She was an animal.
I can't help but be completely amazed at her amazing drive and strength.
She is strong physically but even more strong emotionally and mentally and spiritually.
Coming from a girl that gives up on goals regularly, I can't help but be inspired but her drive.
She finished her race in 22.5 hours (I can't run for half an hour let alone 22.5)
Way to go Soper!
You're CRAZY!!!!!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Hungry Bubba's

Every morning Mark get's up and has breakfast with Scott.
They've been doing it since before Dean was born.
Scott loves it.
I love listening to their conversations.
Well Dean and I have gotten into our own morning routine.
I get up and get Dean a bottle.
I get myself a bowl of cereal and open the blinds in the front room.
I sit down on my new couches and enjoy to sunlight of the morning.
Before long Dean comes in and looks up at me like this.

This is his "feed me" face.
I have started pouring more cereal for us.
I love this face.
He get's in moods where he'll be happy for two seconds then starts to cry.
That lasts until I start to laugh and then he laughs too.
I love our mornings.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Treasure Hunt

Scott has been telling me that on St. Patrick's day he's going on a treasure hunt.
I don't know where he got the idea but am I to do?
I have to follow through.
So I got some candy, green paper and made up some silly clues.
He had to read the underlined words himself.
He loved it.
And Mark and I love seeing him light up with excitement.
Dean of course enjoyed the spoils.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Life is Good

I have months and months of catching up to do.  This past year of Dean's life has been so busy that I am over come with guilt over all that is already forgotten.  I get so sick just thinking about it because I love to remember.  This past year has been so wonderful and full of wonderful things to remember, but some will be lost till the next life to come.  Before all are gone I wanted to share a few happy thoughts and happenings of late.
Scott is so much fun.  Can I say that again?  I think I will.  Scott is SOOOO much FUN!  He isn't in preschool right now and it scared me at first, not only did he need the extra help but I needed that extra break.  But he has been so good and such a help.  He has taken his responsibilities as a big brother very seriously lately.  He wakes up early every morning and waits for Dean to wake up.  He asks me if he can go in and when I'm ready he goes in and greats Dean with a happy good morning.  He plays in there and keeps him entertained till I go in. And when it's time for Dean's nap Scott has to come with me to put him to bed every time.  He whispers, "Good night Dean, have sweet dreams, I love you." Scott is doing such a great job playing too.  Play didn't always come easy to Scott.  But now he does a wonderful job playing imagination with all of them.  Of course his favorite are still Dinosaurs and sea creatures.  He still soaks up any and all information about dino's and animals and such.  He is so smart and curious and... and... FUN!  So far this has been my favorite age of his.  We are best buds.

Dean is also so much fun and growing WAY too fast.  He is smaller then Scott was at this age but has developed in some ways sooner then Scott did.  He took his first few steps when he was around 10 months old but didn't adopt it as his main mode of transportation till a week before he turned 12 months old.  He has been constantly on the move since he could crawl.  He gets into everything, so much more then Scott ever did.  He is trouble but oh boy I love that trouble.  He brings a smile to my heart with just the thought of him.  His face is just so sweet and innocent.  His cheeks are still big and soft and squooshy.  I could kiss those cheeks all day.  Scott has always had the same ones.  Mmmmmm, love them.  Dean is also beginning to repeat us more.  He has been repeating us with mama and dada for a long time now but he was just having fun saying sounds.  But he started saying hi to us a week or so ago.  Its so sweet because he says it high pitched like I say it and Scott and mark have started saying it that way back.  He has also been waving.  On Sunday he started saying and waving bye also.  It's been so long since we've gotten to experience this stage that it has become new and fun all over again.  

Mark just got a motorcycle and to say he is obsessed is a huge understatement.  But because he is so happy that I let him get one, yes, he needed my permission, I am getting to do a lot of the things around the house that I've always wanted to do.  We don't know how long we will be staying in this house but we do know that we love being here, more then we originally thought we would when we moved back.  We are enjoying making thins more into our home.  I shall post pictures later but it will be a while since we have some very big projects going on.  

As I say life is good.
We have our stresses and worries still but more then that, we have so much to be grateful for.
We are so bless.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015


This is Carrot.
Scotty and I made him.
Scott's been begging me since summer to make a snowman with him.
Between our weird warm winter and moving it's been difficult.
But today I decided to make his dreams come true, that's what I do.
After we were done Scott named him Carrot.

A few hours later this is Carrot.
Wow was he sad.
He had tears in his eyes and a stiff upper lip.
I explained the sad truth about weather, then we sang the snowman song and I had to swear on my life that we would build another snow man someday.
Then he was happy again.
So he went and kicked him the rest of the way down.
What a funny kid.
And what a weird winter we are having.
It is March and we are outside after a snow storm without jackets.
I'm going to get really mad at mother nature if we get an ugly winter later when it's been close to nothing earlier.

Exciting Things to Come

Take a good look.
It's all going to change.
We are getting ready to paint.
First the walls then I'm going to do the cabinets.
Holy cow it's going to be a lot of work but I'm so excited for the outcome.
We are even going to get new floors.
I can't wait to see how this place is going to look.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

A New Kinda Bike

Mark finally got a motorcycle.
We have always talked about getting one.
Even before we were married I knew that he wanted one and we would dream about going on long rides across the country on one.
No one likes the idea.
People keep calling me wondering what the heck he is thinking.
I'm not the one who controls that man.
And even if I did I wouldn't stop him from getting one.
I married him knowing that's what he wanted.
Heck I've wanted one too.
Not this kind but still.
I wanted a Harley cruiser type bike.
But we'll get that eventually.
It's been nice for him to have.
He rides it to work and can now go to places without taking the car.
But he loves it so much that he likes to just go on a ride for fun.
I don't love him going out all the time but it's his new toy so I understand that he wants to play with it.
He also got all the protective gear for it.
He can't ride it without his full suit.
He has the helmet, the leather coat, the leather gloves, the canvas pants, and even the boots.
And all those items have tons of hard protective things sewn in.
I'm not too worried about him.
He's used to not being seen while on his road bike so he knows how to be an overly defensive driver.
He's also taken a course to help give him lots of new tips.
He knows that he has to be incredibly careful.
I worry about the other drivers on the road but I've had to put that worry aside when he goes on his road bike rides.
He's happy with it and that's all I could ask for.
Well almost all.
I kinda wish it was a different color but then I remind myself that yellow is pretty visible so I guess it's fine.

Don't Even Think About It

My sister, Anne gave Scott Natalie Ann's old chair way back when we lived in the village.
Scott liked it but he prefurred to cuddle with mom or sit on the floor and play with toys.
Not Dean.
Dean loves this chair.
He will yell and push you off if you sit in it.
He picks it up and moves it around the room to where he wants.
He's even just started using it as a stool to get onto the couch.
Scott gets bugged at times but for the most part he doesn't care.
I think it's adorable.

Friday, February 13, 2015

New Furniture

We got new furniture.
I'm completely in love.
I've been wanting front room furniture in here since we moved in the first time.
James let us use his for a bit and I loved it but it wasn't mine.
I never picked it out.
Mark and I were given a lot of really nice furniture pieces when we got married as gifts and I am so grateful but I never picked them out.
But these, Mark and I went furniture shopping around and we talked about what we both wanted.
Mark was a sweetheart and let me get whatever I wanted.
Obviously if he really couldn't stand it he would have said so but he really just wanted me to be happy.
He knew and stressed to me that we weren't going to be getting new couches every few years so whatever we got would have to be what I really wanted and wouldn't get sick of quick.
I already knew this but I'm glad he knew that to get what would last a long time, functionally and aesthetically, would cost money.
Well he found out that when I am free to get what I want I don't get the most expensive thing, I don't get the most flamboyant thing, and I don't get the most feminine things.
I like things to be some what neutral so that when I do want a change I can simply change the pillows and decor.
I think these are similar to the ones he would pick out too if he were left to get what he wanted.
They were a great price too and came with tables and lamps even.

I do not like the pillows and I will be sewing some new ones up real quick.
Also, way back in the village we picked up a chair by the dumpster.
I wanted it so I could redo it.
Mark liked it cause it was close enough to the couch we had and we could just use it for a few years and give it away.
He really did NOT want me to redo it.
He didn't want to sink money into something that wasn't worth it.
I knew that if I put a little money into it I could make it look like a million bucks.
Ok obviously not a million but I could make it look like we spent a lot more money into it then we really would.
And so I waited till I knew what I wanted.
I waited a long time cause I could never pinpoint a style.
But I finally figured it out about a year ago.
Then I had to wait for the fabric to go on sale at the same time that I could use a coupon, it's the best way to buy the expensive home dec fabric.
When I finally got it a few months ago we had started talking about moving so I decided to put it off till we moved.
After we moved in I knew we were going to get furniture and I really wanted it to be ready when we got it so I could just love my room.
Well I do love my room and I love my chair.
It's my statement piece.
Here's the before and after.
LOVE LOVE LOVE how it turned out.

 And here is our room arranged.
Scott added his own decor by adding a shark.
I suppose it'll do till I get the right pillows I want in there.
And after that we shall paint.
I love being able to make this house the beautiful home I've always dreamed it could be.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Quick visit

Kels came to town for a quick visit and we went to Melissa's to hang out.
I love these girls.
And I adore their children.
I missed the baby round with Brayden and Brock but we all jumped back on board with these three.
I really want a daughter but I love that I get to be there and see these two grow up.
If I never have a daughter then I will be adopting them and spoiling them rotten.
And another good thing is that my boys are going to know how to act around girls.
They will respect girls and treat them right.
I wont let Jaeley, Keni, Lezi, and Poppy get pushed around but my boys.
I love these three to bits and pieces.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Go Jazz

Mark got free jazz tickets from work.
So we met him at Energy Solutions Arena.
Scott has been to an Aggies game before and so he was familiar with the noise and crowd.
Dean had not but he was fine, sorta.
He just loves to move and really can't sit for long.
we had lots of snacks that I snuck in and that helped.
We ended up leaving before the game was over since we didn't want to keep the kids out too far past their bed times and make everyone around us suffer through our cranky children.
It was still a lot of fun to get out of the house and take a free adventure out to the city.
Scott had a lot of fun cheering and clapping with the crowd.
Good times.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Date Night

I love when Mark and I get to go out.
He's so much fun on dates.
I feel so young with him.
Like we're still in our twenties.
We talk and make so many plans and dream about the future.
Less then half of what we say will probably come about, especially in the time frame that we want but it's still so fun to speculate.
For Christmas, Mark's brother, James gave us a gift card to Brio.
I love James gifts, because they also include baby sitting.
It was wonderful.
I got to order whatever I wanted.
We just hung out, no pressure for anything.
It was the kinda date that makes you just want to breath deep and relax.
I need more of those.
Which means I need more gift cards.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Dean is the 1

 Oh hey, just this cute boys first birthday is all.
I can hardly believe it's been a year.
He's still so young.
Isn't he?
But when I think about being in the hospital with him it feels like a life time ago.
This baby is so special to me.
Just like with Scott I prayed for him long before he was in my belly.
He can bring a smile to my face when I'm mad or sad or tired.
He has such a sweet personality.
He started walking a week ago.
He's just so persistent.
He doesn't know that he's younger then Scott and thinks he can do whatever we're doing.
Scott loves his little brother.
He waits for Dean to wake up every morning and when he is awake he greets him every morning as soon as he can.
He has to go with me to tell him good night with each nap and wish him sweet dreams.
And he has to go with me to get him out of his crib after he wakes up.
He feels like its part of his job of being a brother.
He loves when I ask him to look out for Dean too although he has a hard time keeping him out of trouble cause Dean is intent on doing the wrong thing.
Dean wants to explore his world so badly.
I swear he has suicidal tendencies.
Now that he walks he thinks he should walk on the stairs too.
It's hard to keep him away from the stairs.
He just wants to practice going up and down them all the time.
And so he falls a lot.
There is always a bump on his head.
Right when one is finally fading he bangs again.
No winning with this kid.
He has totally stopped cuddling with me.
It breaks my heart.
But he loves and I mean LOVES his grandparents.
I sometimes wonder if he loves my mom more then me.
But he adores my dad and treats him like they are best buds.
My parents didn't have to do any bribing or tickling to get him to like them.
He's just decided that they are his people and he trusts them to make him happy.
Mark's parents and no different.
I was amazed that he just goes right up to them and hugs them.
He doesn't see them very often at all but again, he knows that they are his people.
He doesn't respond that way to anyone else.
Scott was very much a people person and would forget about me unless he was hurt.
Dean holds onto me when we go out in the public.
Not a trusting person.
But oh how we love him.
He is so sweet and loving.
Scott would smile so easily but did makes you work for it and you want to.
You want to do what ever it takes to get it because it is such a cute smile. 
We had a small get together with family and the Smith's who did a great job spoiling him.
I'm pretty sure Scott will try to adopt all the gifts since he never seems to grow out of any toy.
But that's fine because Dean plays with all of Scott's.
Happy Birthday Deano Burrito.
We love you so so much.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Do You Measure Up

I've always wanted one of these for my kids.
Being able to quickly, and cutely, measure the kids, marking it and not need to leave it behind when we move.
i could never buy one cause I knew I could make it so easily and inexpensively.
I finally got around to do it and guess what?
It was easy.
Super and easy and for so cheap too.
I couldn't stop doing it once I started.
I made one for Melissa, for Kirsten, for Kirsten's sister, for Jessica, and for Jacki.
I love projects like this.
I love having a garage that I can do projects like this in the winter time.
I could put a layer of stain on before Dean woke up in the morning, another layer during his first nap and again during his second.
After I put the boys down for the night I could put the first layer of sealer on it.
The next morning I could lightly sand it and put another coat on.
The sealer takes longer to dry so I could cut the vynal sometime during the day and sand it and seal it again that night.
In the morning I put the last coat of seal on.
Later that day I would put the markings on and the vynal.
Then, Volla!
It's done with hardly any interference to any of the other things I needed to do that day.
I love making them and I love how they look.
Let me know if you know anyone that wants one.
I'd be happy to help you out.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Walking with Dinosaurs

This show came to town.
A dinosaur show.
With life size dinosaurs.
I see advertisements for dinosaur things and I instantly must get it for Scott.
It's a problem I know.
But this boy loves it all.
He sucks it all in.
But I have to think sensibly and I don't want him to be spoiled so most the time it's no.
Well this show was a huge temptation for me.
I kept seeing the signs, hearing the rave reviews and even looked into it.
Each ticket would have been $30+ and that's for the cheep seats.
It wasn't going to work out.
But one night we got a phone call from our upstairs neighbors in our last house, the Neilsons.
They had won some tickets and had two left over if we wanted to use them we could, we'd just have to be there in an hour.
Are you kidding me?
My heart started pounding with excitement.
Scott was going to be in Heaven.
We got there early cause I was not going to do anything to screw this up.
We got an amazing parking spot, right across the street from Energy Solutions Arena and free.
I guess Scott had a lot of good carma stacked up.
We sat in box seats with awesome views and a bathroom in the box.
Scott gets really calm when he's having heavenly moments.
It's almost frustrating cause I want him to be bouncing up and down and laughing spontaneously.
But he kinda turns into super shy, playing it cool kid.
But I know how to read it so it was fine.
I loved being able to take him.
I'm so grateful for people thinking of Scott and wanting to make him happy too.
We are so blessed to live with a Scottosaurus Rex and learn all about dinosaurs.
He's just so fun.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Storage Wars

I love my things.
I love my decorations.
Mark doesn't really get that.
It's been a constant battle.
Me wanting more things and him wanting to get rid of things.
But now that we've moved he's decided to embrace it.
He built me some awesome storage in the garage.
I'm in love with this.
No more lifting and moving twenty boxes to get to one.
Since they aren't stacked I can easily grab one.
It's so nice to have a place for things.
Before I was constantly rearranging all my things, trying to figure the perfect spot, there has to be a home for everything.
But the old place I could never find a good home.
Now I have homes for even more things.
Mark I need to go shopping.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Years Eve

Since we have moved back to our house it has been wonderful.
We have reunited with so many of our old friends.
This was kinda like Mark's and my first ward after we got married.
They introduce us to how life would be as a family.
And they have welcomed us back with open arms.
It has been so good for us, compared to the cold welcome we got from our last ward.
Well we got invited to the Lymans house for new years.
We love them.
Heather was the primary president when we first moved in and she dragged me into primary soon after we came.
That's where I discovered I didn't like being in primary.
But it had nothing to do with her.
Nothing to do with anyone really, I just didn't like babysitting.
Anyway, she was always super kind to us and was such a great listening ear after I had Scott, ready to give wonderful advise when needed.
And her husband, Aaron, has always been so good to Mark.
There were some others there for dinner but eventually it was just us, the Barkers, and the Stouts, and you know the Lymans.
We love the Barkers.
Always so funny and still spiritually minded.
Their oldest daughter is now in young womens and I couldn't help but gravitate to her since I'm still at the maturity level of my girls.
The Stouts were missionaries in another ward when we first moved in before but came back and Todd became the young mens president and put Mark as the first councilor.
We love hanging out with them too.
All the kids just flipped out over Dean.
Scott loved being with all the kids.
We had a great time chatting and playing cards.
Kinda felt like the old days at the village.

We had such a great time with old friends that I know this is going to be a great new year.