Thursday, July 23, 2015

18 Months

Wow, time flies when you're busy.
And let me tell you, these boys are keeping me busy.
Deano is ALWAYS on the move.
He can make my heart flutter with his smile one second then the next make me so angry with his mischief.
He climbs everything.
My mom says I'm getting what I deserve because I was a climber.
I'm now to the point that I let him climb.
He has pretty good balance and if he falls then maybe he'll learn.
But according to Mark he's learning the wrong lessons.
He simply tries to figure out what he did wrong while climbing.
I like that he's trying to figure things out, it's an awesome trait to have when older.
But for now it's kinda driving me crazy.
He really seems to think he's one of the big kids.
He's kinda always fallowed Scott around wondering what he's doing.
But now he thinks he can do whatever Scott does.
He tries to play with Scott and his toys but Scott doesn't like that much.
He learned how to climb on the kitchen chairs and now refuses to eat in his high chair.
He just wants to eat in a big boy chair.
He also wont let me feed him anymore.
He has to feed himself and he likes to try to use utencils too.
I don't remember Scott needing to be this independent. 
He has drive.
He is doing a great job at repeating words and sounds.
He has to walk up and down the stairs, not crawl, but walk.
He still hates getting his bum changed which makes me wonder when he'll be forsing me to potty train him.
I had to force Scott to potty train but I have a feeling that Dean is going to be different.
Dean is a sugar addict.
I know it's my fault.
But he's doing awesome at eating a variety of foods.
He's still a mamma's boy but knows his daddy is a lot of fun too.
He is insanely persistent.
You say no, say he can't do something, that wont stop him from crying.
He will keep going back to whatever he wants and is not easily distracted or persuaded away.
Oh but I love this boy.
He loves to help.
He loves to hear me say, "Thank you, good job."
He get's such a grin and tries to do more good things.
He loves to go swimming.
He loves to jump on the bed, or rather fall onto the bed.
He doesn't like to cuddle anymore but he does love hugs and kisses.
He is still so good about going to bed and taking naps.
He is trying but so adorable.

Height-   32"   37%
Weight-   24lbs 11oz    59%
Head- 19.29"    89%

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