Sunday, September 8, 2013


Scott got the awesome opportunity to say his first prayer in primary today.
I was worried he might have a freak out with all the attention but, Oh, he didn't!
He didn't even need help.
I went there sure that I would have to at the very least walk him through it.
But I didn't.
When it was time I walked him to the pulpit and he pulled the microphone down to his mouth (I did adjust that a little so it wouldn't kill everyones ears) and just started to pray in a clear voice.
He said he was thankful for his teachers and for primary and for the dinosaurs too.
He asked a blessing on the food and that we would all be safe and have good dreams.
then closed it just right.
Who is this kid?
Oh yeah, he's mine!
I am the proud mother of that cute and awesome kid who says prayers in public places all by himself.
Can't help but give Mark and I a pat on our backs.
I feel like we must be doing something right after that.
Way to go Scotters!
You are such a BIG kid!

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