Scott Graduated from one of his preschools.
I used to think these things were dumb.
I mean seriously, it doesn't mean anything.
preschool is a place that you play, eat a snack, play some more, sing a few songs, maybe learn a letter and then play till your mom picks you up.
It's a great way to get your kids acquainted with other kids, and learning to respect another authority figure besides their parents.
Do we really need a graduation ceremony to honor those things?
Come on, do we?
The answer is YES!
Oh my goodness, it was so cute and Scotty was just the most adorable preschooler there.
He had to memorize a poem this year and then recite it to everyone.
He got assigned the poem, "Little Fred" back in November.
I read him the poem twice on the way home after we got it.
I then asked him to try it.
I thought that maybe he would get the first line or something.
Oh no, not my son.
He told me the whole thing.
I was amazed but thought for sure he couldn't do it again,
But he did.
He had it memorized after listening to it two times.
Need I remind you that he had just turned four a few months earlier.
He's pretty much amazing.
Here's how it goes cause I had never heard the poem before.
"When little Fred went to bed,
He always said his prayers;
He kissed mama and then papa,
and straightaway went upstairs."
Ok, so it's really short but come on it's still impressive.
He had to dress up like his nursery rhyme and I was a bit bummed that we got such a boring one.
I mean come on, I sew.
I should have gotten Humpty Dumpty or Old King Cole or something awesome like that.
I could have made an awesome costume.
But we got the bed time one.
He was happy, he got to wear p.j.'s and bring his softness.
Scott pretty much knew everything that they were going to teach him this past year before it began.
He knew all his letters, upper and lower case, he knew all his colors and shapes and how to count to 20.
But that's not why we signed him up.
He needed to have social interaction.
He needed to learn how to interact with other kids his own age.
He was the youngest in his class and in some ways socially it showed.
But something else that showed were nice people.
These was this sweet little girl named Elsa who was one of the oldest in the class and was the smartest.
She was always kind to my Scotty boy I was told.
When he was having a hard time with the other kids it was Elsa who knew how to calm him down and play with him.
She liked playing and helping Scott and Scott loved her.
He was in the class with a girl from our ward who eventually became irritated by Scott and refused to play with him.
It was hard to send him to school knowing that she had abandoned him when that was one of the biggest reasons we put him in that class.
But when I found out about Elsa I was so happy and humbled that I got joked up.
I hope that Scott will always have an Elsa in the class that can appreciate him for who he is and who Scott can rely on.
I also hope that I can maybe even teach Scott to someday be there for and help other children that need friends.
To me this is what school is all about.
Helping one another become the best versions of themselves.
That's why this was such an awesome experience.
A Graduation worth Celebrating.
Elsa is sitting next to him on right.
Such a sweety!