Sunday, May 12, 2013

Kings Canyon National Park

 Kings Canyon shares a border with Sequoia so if you go to one then you should really go to the other also.
Kings Canyon was pretty much created for backpackers.
It has a few miles of road that goes into the canyon and follows the river but it ends with a circle to get you to go out.
You can pull off and do a couple of short hikes and there's a few camp sites also but what they really want is for you to hike into the rest of the park.
We didn't have time or energy or the means to do that so we just drove through.
Still had a great view.
We hoped to hike but we were heading home after done with the Canyon and we got a bit impatient to get started.
Remember how I said at the beginning of the posts about California that we pushed our camp trip up a week early so we could save money and driving.
Well the week we had planned would have had beautiful weather in all three parks.
Kinda sad about that.
But it was still a fabulous trip and I feel so blessed to have gone to all the places we did with the people we were with.
I love National Parks, California, road trips, and most of all family.

1 comment:

  1. I love our vacation posts!! The pictures are absolutely beautiful;) makes me want to plan a trip.
