Friday, January 17, 2014

Operation Baby Drop

This pregnancy has gone by so fast.
That is, until now.
The holidays always make time speed up.
But then January hits and time feels so slow again.
I just can't take the suspense of waiting for baby to come.
I just want him out.
And not only that but I want him to come over a weekend.
So this weekend I am trying everything.
The weekends past just wouldn't do so I kept telling myself and baby to hold on.
Mark had his third CPA exam on the 10th so we didn't want baby coming before then.
Then Mark had his interview with another company (I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this one) earlier today.
So I've decided, since he already took today off of work and he has Monday off for Martin Luther King Jr Day, that baby needs to come now that Mark's interview is over.
It would just be perfect timing.
So I am trying to eat spicy food, which I hate, and I am walking on the treadmill again, just to induce labor.
Here's to hoping something works.

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