Sunday, April 21, 2013

Primary Continued

Scott is learning to love the time he has away from his parents.
While this kinda makes me sad it is also amazing.
Amazing because he knows that the people we are leaving him with love him.
He has been blessed with incredible teachers and not just in school.
His primary teachers blow me away every single week.
they are great at getting him to cooperate and participate.
They are great at being patient with him.
Most importantly they are great at showing him love and he knows it.
They teach him about the gospel in a way that he understands.
I used to teach children this age in two of our wards and I was no where near as amazing as these teachers are.
Since they are so incredible we just drop Scott off and don't have to worry about him till Sacrament meeting.
What's amazing is that he gets incredible things to take home.
They are hand made and I know it doesn't take ten minutes for them to put together.
They also spend money on the stuff that I can tell costs more then a dollar per kid.
What's also amazing is if we miss a day of going one of his teachers stops by and gives him a minnie lesson along with the hand out.
Here's a picture of Scott showing off his latest handout.
The lesson was on loving birds and insects.
They gave him an insect collection box full of his favorite, small insects and snakes and lizards along with a nest and a sweet little bird.
What's also amazing, maybe the most amazing part about these amazing lessons and handouts is that it keeps him happy and distracted almost all of sacrament meeting.

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