Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy Late Christmas to US!

There were a few gifts that didn't make it in time for Christmas this year.
Kinda big ones too.  
The first one was for Scott.
Scott loves animals and we have been so sad since we got rid of Eddie.
The poor kid needs a pet.
So we thought we would get him a fish.
Well went to to go get A fish but it kinda turned into 4 then we added 7 more the next day.
I didn't know how excited Mark would get over having a fish.
Here's Scott loving his new pets.
The other late present was for Mark and me.
Well it was from Mark for me and Mark is enjoying it just as much as I am.
We got a tread mill.
I am so excited to get this new years resolution going.
Scott loves it too.
He uses it for a little bit every time we do and gets so much energy out.
I think Mark might be getting ready for a triathlon.
His brothers have been trying to talk him into doing one for a couple years now and he has always said no because he hates running and swimming.
Well he's now doing more running then biking.
Now if I can get him in my moms pool he'll be all ready.
Me, I'm not training for anything.
I just really needed a way to exercise in the winter without killing my lungs.
It is wonderful to just get one while talking on the phone or while watching a show on the iPad.
Thank you sweetheart. 

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