Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

I love Christmas morning.
I have always woken up early and waited.
Waited for my dad to come home from delivering papers.
Waited for my siblings to wake up.
Waited for my mom and dad to get the camera.
Waited for Katie and Sarah to go a little faster down the stairs.
Now I have to wait for Scott to wake up.
Then for Dean to wake up.
Then for Mark to wake up which is absolute torture because Mark is really annoying to wake up in the morning.
Then we talk about what Christmas is really about then head down stairs.
Oh I totally understand the camera thing because these are my favorite pictures of the day.
Then the waiting continues.
Scott has never been one to rip open wrapping paper.
And he still opens up one and forgets about the others cause he just wants to play with the one in front of him.
Dean did it too.
I just want to see the face I've been imagining since I got the gifts for them.
It was a wonderful Christmas morning in our old home.
I always loved this home in December.
This home was built with Christmas decor in mind.
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve 2015

We had such a great night.
It was filled with cookies, trains, family and lights.
A perfect recipe for a wonderful Christmas Eve.
Merry Christmas everyone.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Bath Time= The Best Time

Did you know that these boys have only had a handful of baths together.
Sad but true.
Poor Dean has had his baby bath to sit in but pretty much only showers for us for the last two plus years.
But now we have our bath again and these boys are loving life.
They have been taking a bath everyday, sometimes even two.
Ask Scott what to do he says a bath.
Don't ask Scott what he wants to do, he'll still tell you he wants a bath.
I have a hard saying no.
They are just so happy in the water.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

McEvoy Nativity

We got together tonight and had our Christmas Eve nativity act out early.
It was wonderful
Mom made this little stable scene and got all the kids costumes to help them feel the part.
I love that Jaren, Maia and Scott are all old enough to really get into their parts and act it out so sweetly.
Scott got to be the Shepard.
He was kinda having a freak out at first but somehow he pulled it together for his curtain call.
He said his line perfectly and took great care of his sheep.
I love my sweet Scotty and how far he's come.
Christmas is just magical.

Saturday, December 20, 2014


I love presents.
Mark doesn't usually do great with presents.
He just has a hard time figuring things out.
I've gotten in the habbit of taking matters into my own hands.
But this year, he did good.
We went to Lowes and he pretty much let me go crazy.
I got tools, tools and more tools.
I felt like Tim the Tool Man Taylor wanting to grunt at the workers and say more power.
The kids got pretty board but I had a lot of shopping to do.
I can't wait to build and fix things.
I love projects and now I've got the means to make them happen.
Merry Christmas to ME!
Oh and Happy Anniversary too cause this totally counts.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Meet Sparkly.
He's our new elf.
Santa sent him this year to help keep an eye on Scott and Dean.
Scott was so excited to see him.
We've come to find out that he's quite the mischievous elf.
He's very excited for his first trip to our house and wants to play all sorts of games while Scott and Dean sleep.
Here are just a few of the places we have found him in after we wake up. 

We hope we get to see Sparkly again next year.
We'll see if he's learned some manners within a years time.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Happy Birthday Ryan

 See these cute boys?
Oh how I love this sight.
This is Scott's friend from school.
He's not in school anymore since we moved but Ryan here was having a birthday party and hunted us down to make sure Scott was invited to his party.
I was amazed that he would put so much effort into seeing Scott again.
I called to RSVP and Ryan's mom was so thrilled to hear that we were coming.
She said that Scott was his best friend and he's been so sad since he's moved.
This just warmed my heart.
I asked Scott about Ryan and Scott said he's his best friend and then told me everything about him.
Oh boy were we both excited.
We went to pick him out a present, a present suitable for only a best friend.
Then I went to drop him off.
At that point it finally hit me that I was taking Scott to someones house that has no clue of his issues.
I got nervous.
Real nervous.
But then I got there and thought, I'll stay if I need to.
But when we got there Scott went right over to Ryan and said hi.
Then Ryan got so excited to see Scott he hugged him.
And the other little boy from their school ran over and said hi too.
Ryan's mom was so pleased we came.
She treated us like Scott being there was the best gift for her son.
How warm and fuzzy do you think my heart was?

This one kid alone made me rethink moving.
He gives me hope for the future.
And that is the greatest gift I could ask for.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Live Nativity

My parents got tickets to the Alpine Live Nativity.
I thought, cool I liked the one in Draper with the young women, it'll be fun.
Mark didn't feel like going so I took the boys.
Holy cow, it was so much better then the one in Draper.
There were more animals that Scott was able to touch.
That was the fun part.
Then you head up the hill and wonder through these ginormous barns where there is a market place of Bethlehem.
People buying and selling things, children playing games.
Then you walk out and find some shepherds.
Then some angels singing.
After listening for a while we were allowed into a smaller barn.
In there we found a few more animals and a mom and a dad and a sweet little baby.
It was magical.
Scotty and the other kids were shocked and started whispering.
"There's Jesus!"
They said.
I loved sharing this gift with Scott.
Having him see a reflection of the true meaning of Christmas.
Having him feel the sweet spirit of Christmas.
I love this time of year.
I hope we get to come back next year.
Just perfection!