Monday, February 24, 2014

Dean's One Month

I look back and I wish that I had taken more pictures of Scott.
I wish I had kept track of his month by month growth.
So I when I saw this idea on pinterest I decided I would do it for my next.
So here is the first of the 12 month montage of Dean's first year. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Friends that Last

I am blessed.
I didn't used to think I was.
I had a hard time finding friends that I felt close to.
But when I went to Snow College my prayers were answered.
I got Jill and Brandi as room mates and as best friends.
Just the thought of these girls makes me happy.
Makes me feel young again.
Well Brandi came to town so we got together for lunch and a day on the farm.
Brandi has two kids that are completely adorable and who Scott instantly became friends with.
Which was good because it meant that while they ran around and played with one another the three of us could chat and laugh like no time had past.
Gosh, I love these girls.
They remind me, without even knowing it, that God hears prayers and gives us what we need.
We can't let it be so long before we get together.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Dean's 2 Weeks old

If you can't tell this boy does a lot of sleeping.
In fact all he seems to do is sleep and eat and poop, sometimes all at the same time.
It's amazing having this boy in our home.
I love snuggling him.
I love holding him while he sleeps.
I love watching him and wondering what he's dreaming about.
Mark thinks it's creepy when I watch him sleep but as him mother I don't think there's anything creepy about it.
Love my Bubba Dean.
Here's his stats from his appointment.
I can't help but compare his stats with Scott's from the same age so to make things easier on me I thought I'd post them here too instead of trying to find them in the past posts.
Dean is looking to be bigger then Scott.
But Scott was still thin and long at this stage.
He certainly bulked up from this point on.
It'll be interesting to see how Dean develops and grows.