Tuesday, November 27, 2012


For Thanksgiving this year we packed up and headed up to Idaho. 
 Ryan and Katie moved there this year and we are loving having them so much closer.  
Scott loves his cousins, especially Brooke.
We played games and sent shopping and saw movies.  
Oh and we ate A LOT!
We didn't get pictures cause we were busy chasing Scott around and having a good time.
Thanks Ryan and Katie for a great long weekend trip.
This year for Thanksgiving I am so grateful for family. 
 More specifically, my own little small family.
Mark and Scott make me happier everyday then I ever was with out them.
Scott can be pretty difficult at times and I often feel like I'm blind but he is also the sweetest little boy with such a happy and kind heart.
Mark is such an amazing father and husband, I really hit the jackpot when I snatched him up.
My family takes care of me and I love being able to take care of them.
Love you all family.
Thank you!

Monday, November 26, 2012

School Pictures

As some of you know Scott had school pictures.  I was so excited when I found out that the preschoolers could get their pictures taken.  I was excited till the night before and I actually thought about him going and getting his picture taken.  He doesn't do well when in public places and with people that expect him to do things.  Not only this but he hasn't liked to pose for pictures lately.  I became a nervous wreck thinking about  weather I should take him in or not.  I really wanted the pictures but should I chance the public display of tantrum he is capable of?  I went back and forth all night, getting close to no sleep.  It sounds so silly now but, this is my life.  Scott's issues show themselves in situations that others don't understand because his reactions don't make sense.  Well after getting the pep talk from friends on facebook I decided to chance it.  Here's what we got:
Completely perfect right!?!
If you look in the left hand corner you can see some yellow.  That is from my shirt.  He started to melt down but the photographer quickly reacted by telling me to sit on a bench and have him sit on my knees.  Then she started her magic of trying to get him to laugh.  I'm was so amazed by her ability.  Another job that I never think about but now realize must be challenging.  I got to pick out the background and laugh because his little fohawk is pointing right into the line of the wood making it look like it is going on and on.  Oh well right.
I'm so proud of my baby boy who doesn't look much like a baby anymore.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A New Beginning

In an effort to continue writing the life of our family, I have started another blog. The previous blog, http://markandcarolineellis.blogspot.com/, started a little after Mark and I were married and goes till October 2012.  This blog will be picking up in November 2012. I hope you enjoy reading the weird stories that we feel are note worthy.  I have learned to love to blog and record our happenings.  When I feel sad these stories have brought happiness to my heart.  Looking back I have found comfort in our simply life and realized the blessings that are to be had in the simple wonderful memories of our life.  Family is what matters most in life and I love my sweet family.